You cannot have the same number in multiple cells of your BINGO card. BINGO BINGO The 'B' column contains numbers between 1 and 15 3 16 37 52 74 6 20 43 48 68 1 23 45 5463 10 22 35 50 63 The T column contains numbers between 16 and 30 ' 10 18.48 75 4 294975 The 'N' column contains numbers between 31 and 45 N' 15 24 34 53 67 11 16 38 57 62 7 30 33 5070 2 25 32 54 73 The 'G' column contains numbers between 46 and 60 G The 'o' column contains numbers between 61 and 75 Just a reminder - BINGO numbers MUST be unique. Pass your 2D bingo array to this function to be populated.
Create a function to fill the bingo card with random numbers in the proper ranges. Make sure your random numbers are truly random between program runs. Pseudocode Create a 2D array that will be your bingo card.